Charles County Recreation, Parks & Tourism
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Basketball Skills Academy - Fall 24'

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A Spaulding Basketball With Black Background
This clinic focuses on the basic fundamentals and skills of basketball. Skills and drills will be taught during half court and full court segments on both offense and defense. Each hour session will be broken down into basketball fundamentals, individual and team shooting, and half and full court pressure defense. The main focus is to teach and stress the fundamentals that are important to becoming a better basketball player. No class October 31, November 4-5, and November 11.
For players new to the sport or with less than two years of organized playing experience. Learn basic game rules and skills from experienced coaches to be better prepared.
For players that have played more than two years of organized basketball and are considered to be advanced. Learn advanced skills from experienced coaches. Note: Instructor will have the authority to move participants to the class that better fits their skill level. No class October 31 and November 6.
Girls will learn basic game rules and skills from experienced coaches to improve their playing ability. All skill levels.

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